Monday, April 28, 2008

Aisayman..why lah all the bickering?

If i have one wish for the coming year it's that the three political parties that make up Pakatan sit down and discuss what their individual agenda is in private instead of various persons shooting their mouth and raising the ire of the other parties in the alliance.

DAP, PKR and PAS managed to hold it together sufficiently long enough to change the face of Malaysian politics. They have shown the if push comes to shove, they can put aside their differences and work for a united belief. But now it looks like the screw are loosening by themselves. Tempers are fraying and heated words are being bandied like Ecstasy in a rave party.

Suddenly, everyone has a different political goal, suddenly they can't see eye to eye on the simplest of issues. This is exactly what Barisan is waiting for. When the cracks appear, they can make simple subtle comments to emphasise the differences and play one member of Pakatan against the other. Before you know it, chaos will befall and the alliance will slowly dissipate like decaying flesh - leaves a right rotten stink while it does.

I understand that the people who are members of the three groups would like to see that their aims and objectives are met. But let's not forget the bigger picture. Equality and Justice is what pakatan stand for. Sensible use of the country's wealth and sustainabe economic development with the concerns and welfare of the various races being looked after. Thats why i voted for a different administration.

In any case, i feel vindicated in my choice given the activities of the bollocking dentist and his equally bollocking wife. If i've ever felt the urge to obliterate one person from this planet, the bloody bollocking dentist who did plastic surgery will be it.

1 comment:

Henry Yeo said...

well...this is their first time in charge of several states, so they will need time to iron out some difference. would be more interesting if the states went straight to the parties instead of having coalitions.