Monday, April 28, 2008

Bloody Indians!

I find it incredibly strange that the Indian community is suddenly so active in politics. After 50 years of being subjugated, they have now found the courage to speak out when they feel that their political party isn't doing right by them. We have embarked on what appears to be a difficult and stormy voyage, fraught with danger from all sides. We need to work together to support one another because we actually have chance to rewrite history and finally get some respect and recognition.

I was deeply saddened to read of people protesting that Indians are not being given equal representation in the local councils of opposition held states. For 50 years, no on said a thing, meekly accepting the status quo and now when things are different, they expect equality to happen overnight. Change occurred because the people deemed it necessary. The people being the three major races. Everyone deserves a piece of the pie and everyone will get it. In due time. What is the point of ruffling feathers and drawing attention to oneself. I believe that we should let the Indian who are in political office prove their worth and their capability. Let's be different and earn extra positions and place by force of sheer merit. We have never asked for more than we deserve and if things keep going the way they are supposed to, we will achieve equality.

I mean think about it, in less than 2 months the Indian community now holds unprecedented political appointments. Patience is something that needs to be exercised for the time being. The Malay community needs time to adjust to the new status quo.We can afford to do so now.

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