Tuesday, May 6, 2008


I don't get the big conversion issue. Islam is a religion of peace, compassion and understanding and i'm sure that it's adherents want people to obtain that perception as well. All non-Malays have major issues with the conversion process because it seems that the civil court and the syariah court cannot agree on jurisdictional issues. What is clear is that non-Muslim have no locus standi in a Syariah court. A fallout from the recent election is how the government suddenly is focused on making the vague rulings from various court into something more defined.

I just believe that converts should tell their family that they want to convert. I mean what is the big deal. You are embracing this wonderful religion, something which will radically change your life and might possibly enrich it in so many small ways. Tell people, shout it from the rooftops, sing it when you're at the shower and for the sake of your loved ones, tell them. I hope that National Islamic council makes it compulsory but last Sunday's NST has stirred doubts in me.

People should not convert to Islam when the intent is malicious. This must surely be wrong in the eyes of Islam. A husband should not abdicate responsibility simply because he has converted. He is entering a religion which i'm sure has strong views on the family unit and would hate to see it disrupted. He should still maintain his financial responsibility to his family. I mean surely Islam doesn't say that a convert should ignore his past life and forsake all financial and familial obligations.

The powers-to-be should recognize that people are abusing this much loved religion. It needs to stop. Now. Ensure that when people convert, family is present and notices are published in major newspapers. It's a celebration right?. The more people who know, the merrier the conversion.

Petra = Martyr

Just when you thought that things were going to get boring and mundane, the government charges with a trumped accusation of sedition against arguably Malaysia's most famous blogger. I have read his article and frankly i don't see how anyone can be inclined to an insurrection against the government on reading it. It details his opinions on an on-going criminal case but to label that seditions is tantamount to calling Najib honest.

To be fair,Raja Petra did make some slanderous accusations against Najib and wife and it would have made perfect sense if he was charged with libel. But sedition? Come on! This smacks of political victimization. Of course Petra is a canny one indeed and he had several strategies to deal with political persecution if it ever came to that. Petra has refused bail and is willing to languish in jail for a few months. He is demonstrating to his enemies that he is willing to go any lengths to defend his right as a citizen to make fair comments about the political scenarion in the country.

Taking a leaf out of Gandhi and Mandela, Petra is martyrizing himself. Malaysia has once again put itself in a spotlight for it's misuse of the law and it's constant aim to inhibit the role of bloggers who make comments which are hit too close to the truth. Petra is now a hero for the masses. Unlike the Hindraf 5, Petra is in a unique position. He is Malay. He is a Muslim. He is Royalty.

I bet my left eye that the government didn't forsee this turn of events. From now until October, experts will peruse Petra's article and argue the merits of the government's case. Linguists will analyze line by line looking for seditious implications. In short, the article will be dissected in every single conceivable manner. His hearing on October will be keenly followed by legal experts the world over.

I for one can't wait for this to unravel further. As they say... the plot thickens!!