Saturday, March 8, 2008

The Dawning of a New Era

It's cliched i know, but i can think of anything better except to say that "A new dawn has arrived"!

The unthinkable has happened, for the first time in 50 years, the various races that make up this nation have collectively agreed to vote to make a difference. No one race could ever hope to impact by itself but by working together we have driven home the point. Something is wrong with the way this country is being run. You can obfuscate,deny,avoid,disavow responsibilty but there is only so much the people can take. Who knows what the catalyst was but i believe that the Hindraf movement is solely responsible for enabling the Indian voters to finally be proactive and change their stance. Apathetic and ignorant we once were but now at least we have shown that we do give a damn.

This election will have far-ranging implications on every facet of Malaysian life. The current administrators of the government will be unable to pass any law or resolution in Parliament without 2/3 agreeing to it. The opposition has more than a 1/3 and thus life will be a different ball game for everyone. I picture stalwarts like Lim Kit Siang, Theresa Kok, Karpal Singh and eventually Anwar Ibrahim making life miserable for the ruling party and ensuring that at least some semblance of transparency takes place.

What interests me the most however is the impact on the Indian community. With both MIC and PPP effectively defunct, the Indian community will for the first time in 50 years be unrepresented in Parliament. Essentially there is no specific party with Indian interest’s as their core manifesto. This what we were told before we voted, and when we voted we kept that in mind and we voted against them anyway.

Truth be told, our political parties have never done anything anway except to create misery and unhappiness. You can sway people’s judgment if you’ve actually been contributing. People have long memories, they might be fooled by promises and insignificant cash donations but in the long run, they know deep inside that they have been made a fool of. This is reflected in the spectacular losses of MIC’s key party leaders.

We are where we’ve always been, not anywhere but just a mass of people that need to be appeased when elections come by. For most Indians it doesn’t matter that we have no political representation, because even when we have had it, it certainly didn’t feel like it.
It’s time to give someone else the opportunity to represent us. DAP and PKR and PAS have made bold pre-election claims. They are for “the people regardless of race,culture or religion”. Now is a good time for them to back their words with deeds. This is our hour of need. We have the most to lose and not much to gain and without political support from our brethrens we will most definitely be regarded as irrelevant and consigned to back pages of history.

It will not be easy for sure, but I believe that finally we have capable Indians who are willing to sacrifice all to ensure the continuity of the race. Most have certainly proven it and it’s because of their deeds that I’m willing to listen to their words.

Is there a hope for a Bangsa Malaysia? Now is the time we shall find out.

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