Wednesday, February 20, 2008

The Embodiment of Evil

Samy Vellu – The Living Embodiment of Evil

We all believe in superstitions,after all how can we not. Living in multi-cultural malaysia, who among us has not heard of pontianak, hantu,orang minyak , toyol and the other denizens of the dark. Exposed as we are to western entertainment, even entities such as vampires and zombies are close acquaintances.

What most people don’t realise is how these supernatural creatures have manifest themselves in todays world. They exist among us and just like the scary stories that revolve around them, the creatures of today have similar agendas. They want to frighten,terrify and immobilise us. They want to bleed us dry and they can watch us suffer with no feelings of remorse.

Who am I talking about? Politicians of course! The current-day version of todays urban legends, flesh and blood beings without a conscience and filled with all that is wrong with mankind. I would love to partake in an extended discourse on kind of racial politics that plague this beautiful country but I think being an indian, it’s best I stick to a subject matter I know best.

MIC is ultimately the organization where the devil lives. Like Mephistopheles in Faust, Samy Vellu dispenses favours at whim and fancy. Anything and everything that would harm the indian society is right up his alley. He has no concern for the majority of the Indians who are poor,oppressed and down-trodden. All he cares is making money and ensuring that the Indians are subjugated. I must say he’s done a phenomenal job these past 3 decades. I think a non-Indian would be proud of the way Samy has systematically dismantled everything that makes us Indian. We have no sense of belonging, we are divided and we are unable to help ourselves. A cycle of perpetual torment that serves the political ambitions of our ruling masters.

Samy and his cronies are no better than the vampires and zombies that you see in movies. They bleed us dry and leave our dessicated corpses rotting under the harsh laws of our dynamic nation state which is falling over itself in a bid to embrace a belief that even it’s most fanatic adherents have trouble conforming to.

When finally a group of white knights come to our rescue, what happens, the dark forces in MIC raise their rabid foaming heads and utter pompous denouncements, claiming that these noble souls are intent on causing trouble. The Indians are doing well. Samy says. Over the past 3 decades he personally has ensured that the India community has grown and that we have embraced diversity and that the future is bright and we will be a force to be reckoned with come 2020. Obviously he was talking about a parallel Malaysia, maybe he watched a documentary on alternate universes and confused fact with fiction. This isn’t really hard to swallow. Just listen to his excuses vis a vis Maika Holdings. Poor man, tries so hard to convince us and all the time he
maintains his straight face and calm caring mien.

Do we actually care? In the wake of the Hindraf lead rallies, the Indian community like sleeping beauty has finally awakend to the grim reality that the erstwhile prince charming is possbily the vilest human being to walk the planet. Hitler deserved that appellation during world war 2. His genocidal regime left a legacy that still haunts survivors. When the earth is finally rid of him, Samy will be comforted no doubt by the fact that he has left a legacy that will definitely outlive him. He has consigned the Indian community to the dumps. The majority of the Indians living in the rural areas are most likely going to remain there for decades to come. They have no education, no money and worst of all they have lost all hope. This kind of achievement needs to be appreciated as it’s taken a lot of time and hard work and misspent funds to make this come true.

Most of us have family we care too much about. We’re not willing to walk down the lonely road the Hindraf 5 have taken. But we can and we will honour them. We must show that their fight is just and the battle is not over. There is victory to be held at every instance. Even though the giant politcal machinery that BN will triumph but if the Indians unite and cast their collectives votes, it will be giant step for Indian unity. The first time ever in recent history that Indians will have put aside their differences and come together as one voice,one people, one race.
So my dear friends, in the coming elections, we must let the country know what we think of the injustice that Samy Vellu and MIC have perpetrated in the only way we can; by casting our vote.

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